Friday, September 29, 2006


Teppanyaki1, originally uploaded by AustinT.

I love Japanese food
Its even better when it is cooked right in front of you by a ninja chef
Oh yeah.
I wonder if the scottish guy across the way got me in his photo

Teppanyaki2, originally uploaded by AustinT.

Oh.. surprise.. this one worked better in colour.
The meal was amazing by the way.

Totally random addition

Good Combination, originally uploaded by AustinT.

I like art.
I love Espresso.
Good combination.

Good Combination, originally uploaded by AustinT.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

As promised

tank1, originally uploaded by AustinT.

As mentioned yesterday.. here are some pic of my new car

Its like driving a van that has remarkably good acceleration
such fun

tank2, originally uploaded by AustinT.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


smokinSteph, originally uploaded by AustinT.

No visit to Cuba would be complete without checkin out some cigars.
In the above pic, my lovely wife wasnt actually smoking.. but she certainly knows how to pose with the cigar. Superhot.

I on the other hand.. was smoking

smokinAustin, originally uploaded by AustinT.

I quit smoking cigarettes a few months back, but i had a few cigars in Cuba and they were mighty fine indeed. I can see why people smoke cigars.
The great thing was that It didnt make me feel like smoking again afterwards. Which is great, cuz smoking sucks and its incredibly hard to quit.

As you can see from this picture.. even the buses smoke in Cuba.

smokinBus, originally uploaded by AustinT.

Its been a busy week.. got a new car yesterday. Its a bit of a beast.
Pics to follow.

Friday, September 22, 2006


Yesterday was this little guys birthday.

BirthdayBoy, originally uploaded by AustinT.

My nephew Darragh turned 4.

BirthdayBoy1, originally uploaded by AustinT.

You ever seen a 4 year old go to a computer, connect to the internet, put on some music on yahoo and go to a website to play with online jigsaws? Me neither till last night.

BirthdayBoy2, originally uploaded by AustinT.

Smart kid!!!

He seemed to have a great night, and its always good to have someone who actually enjoys posing for photos instead of just being resigned to the fact that i wont stop it.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Black and White

Tree1, originally uploaded by AustinT.

I increasingly prefer black and white photography.
The little point and click canon Ixus I bought recently allows me to shoot digital in B+W, which is a lot less hassle than my usual shooting in colour on the dSLR and converting later.
I also recently bought an actual FILM camera too.. but thats another story.
Anyway.. I prefer black and white, generally speaking.
The pic above is a snapshot. Nothing special.
Its not composed properly, it isnt centred right but i still quite like it as a snapshot. I like the angle and perspective. If I had actually taken a few seconds over it it could have been really nice, but.. I am lazy, and hey.. i was on my honeymoon.. and not really trying. Thats beside the point though.
I also shot it in colour. Simpy cuz at the time i was thinking about the b+W vs colour issue.
And in colour, I dont like it at all.

Tree2, originally uploaded by AustinT.

Street photography does tend to be primarily black and white (what do you mean you didnt know that??? go read the rules ;). This is something I am increasingly interested in. I tried taking quite a few of these sort of shots while we were away. Black and white does definately work better... however, some shots still seem better in colour!
I quite like the two below. However, making them with a compact definately is not the best way. Not having control over the aperture and depth of field really does reduce the overall quality of the shot.
So here are two examples of my street photography in cuba. The first definatly works in black and white and for me captures the laid back attitude of the cubans.

Its too hot to work, originally uploaded by AustinT.

In the second I think the colour definately helps. i tried converting it to black and white but i just like the clour of the flowers too much. This definately would have been much better taken with something other than a little point and click camera!

You want some flowers?, originally uploaded by AustinT.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Why bother?

underground, originally uploaded by AustinT.

underground2, originally uploaded by AustinT.

All these photos were taken on a day in London when I had drunk WAY too much coffee.

Anyway.. I now basically seem to have 4 websites.
A tad excessive one might think?
Yeah pretty much.
But, there is method in my madness.
The main Austin Tanney website is my "online portfolio. This gets updated very rarely.
My DeviantArt site is slightly more regularly updated, with a large proportion of these eventually making their way onto

One think I have wanted to do though, is to have somewhere to put "snapshots".
The photos that make their way onto the other sites, these are shots that I have spent time making. These are often carefully set up and have always had some degree of processing in photoshop, some to a greater degree than others obviously, but all have been worked on.

The aim of the flickr site is to give me somewhere to put quick shots like this one so they can be put here in the blog. Photos that have been nowhere near photoshop, shapshots. Either my own, or those of friends, as in the post below.

One thing that fascinates me is the verb used for photography,
some say they make photos
some say they take photos
I like both.
The photos on or my Deviantart site have been made
The ones on here have been taken

None of this of course really justifies me inflicting this much crap on the world. Saying that though, its not like i am making the gigantic cesspool that is the internet any worse.

underground3, originally uploaded by AustinT.

underground4, originally uploaded by AustinT.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

New Blog

Ive just decided to add a blog/ photoblog section to this site. Might as well start it off with the biggest news from me for quite a while ever.. I have just returned from my homeymoon and here is a picture of myself and my beautiful wife Stephanie on the big day

wedding, originally uploaded by AustinT.

Just a short one to start this off. Not much I can do to top that. Lots of images of our honeymoon in Cuba to follow!